
Hello, today I will be talking about shoes. Now you can get all kinds of shoes from cowboy boots to basketball shoes. It just matters what you want or needs. So if you were in a ranch you would need boots. And if you were in the city would need tennis shoes.

When I play basketball I don’t play in my tennis shoes I play in my curry 5’s. If you didn’t know what curry 5’s are they are basketball shoes. If I wore regular tennis shoes my feet would hurt a lot after. Because basketball shoes are made specifically for basketball.

You can but all kinds of shoes like really expensive shoes and really cheap shoes. For example, you can buy Yeezys which can cost 1,000 dollars or Nike shoes which cost 40 Dollars. Also, you can buy shoes that are 120-140 dollar range which I buy. The shoes I but always last me a long time.

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